A burial insurance quote, also referred to as a life insurance quote, allows a consumer to receive prices and rates on coverage for the costs of a funeral in the event a person passes away. Premiums will definitely fluctuate according to health status and age. The healthier and younger a person is, the less risk they show and therefore the lower burial insurance quotes they will receive. Rates are much higher for older people who have a documented history of health problems. These individuals are high risk, and if they can obtain any type of coverage at all, will almost be guaranteed that their rates will be extremely high.
In order to completely make this quote a valid policy, the first premium must be paid and a beneficiary must be chosen. The beneficiary is the person that will receive the burial insurance quote funds when the insured passes away. This beneficiary can spend the money any way they see fit, but primarily, burial insurance quotes are set up to pay for all funeral expenses. Quoted rates are typically for coverage in the $25k range and under. If a person is interested in a much higher package, they may want to consider term or whole life coverage.
The rates are set for the life of the policy once established. The rate does not increase or decrease and neither does the pay out amount. Burial insurance quotes are estimates and can be changed if at any time it is discovered that misleading or fraudulent information was given to the agent in an attempt to receive a lower burial insurance quote rate. If all information provided by the applicant is confirmed and verified, then the rate will remain the same and be effective immediately after the first premium is paid and a beneficiary is chosen.
Those interested in receiving multiple rates are wise to shop around. All burial insurance quotes can be different with different policies, guidelines, rules regulations and amounts making the largest gap in price. Some Christians are apprehensive about preparing for death, but they should do the responsible thing and be sure their families do not have the burden of our modern society's expensive funeral arrangements. Although the topic of a burial insurance quote and the need for this coverage is not addressed in the Bible, preparation for hard times is. "And let them gather all the food of those good years that come, and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities. And that food shall be for store to the land against the seven years of famine, which shall be in the land of Egypt; that the land perish not through the famine." (Genesis 41:35-36)
1 comment:
I appreciate the way in which you presented to this particular problem and will also give me a lot of thought in the feed. As stated previously if you insure check the premiums are fixed, assuming the payout is fixed.
Thanks and waiting to see more posts.
Delfina Manotas
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