Affiliate marketing and multi-level marketing have been a great financial tool to many; what could be more rewarding than the ability to work right from your home and watch your business grow to a highly profiting franchise? It is the knowledge age where leverage is the answer to making a huge difference to your bank account. So is it possible to leverage in affiliate marketing or MLM? By all means yes, with the new tricks in both marketing plans you stand to gain a lot from leveraging. And what about the possibility of doing so with your residual income: myth or reality?
We can first answer this 'residual income: myth or reality' riddle by saying that it's true and it does exist. Moreover the possibility of you making a fortune from your passive income alone isn't a far-fetched whim; you just need to know how. So in the following lines, we'll look into how we can increase our residual income in both the MLM and affiliate marketing plans and smile our ways to the bank.
We begin with affiliate marketing; is increased residual income: myth or reality for this one? It's the biggest reality you could come across; perhaps next to man landing on the moon. Since your main job is to attract buyers to a Company's product, be smart and build your own blog page for the product. This way you have more command on how you attract buyers. Set up an auto-response system that will always answer customer questions and other enquiries on a 24 hour basis. This entices customer more and you can introduce them to multiple products as well. No doubts they'll keep coming to buy, and with that the residual income will always keep coming even upon retirement.
The second residual income trick in affiliate marketing is to always champion for those products that have high and frequent monthly charges. The recurring monthly charges are your key to residual glory; and think about it, it's more rewarding and less tiring compared to the time and money you invest to constantly attract customers.
How about MLM, is residual income: myth or reality here? I think it's the best way to go comparing the two. Why's that? Let's define it in full, MLM simply means multi-level; the beauty of it is that you get to earn your residuals from all the down-line levels you create. What's more, you don't really have to create the levels yourself; one prospect recruited will recruit a third prospect and the third recruiting a fourth and the chain moves on!
And the levels are not limited to two like in Affiliate marketing, so your passive income can stretch to eternity!
Adam has been trading forex for 5 years and until recently with little success. Adam recently joined Colin Atkin's World Forex Club and has since seen his profit margin quadruple in the past two years. Colin is a professional trader who shares his trading live, over a webinar three times a day 5 days a week, all you have do is copy what he does and take the profits. Since Adam joined Colin he has had the money to invest in other projects and gone on to be a successful full time forex trader and internet marketer.
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